I’m surprised there aren’t more sets of links to e-learning resources in the museums, libraries and archives sector. Perhaps the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council is in the process of addressing this as part of their recent mapping of e-learning. The best I’ve found is the E-Learning Knowledge Base, by MacKenzie Ward Research and curated […]
Month: January 2005
User interface for on-demand radio
A couple of days ago the BBC launched Version 2 of its successful BBC Radio Player. Rather than attempt a review — except to say it seems to be an all-round improvement, notwithstanding the frames that make it more awkward to link to individual programmes — here is The Guardian’s assessment [free registration required] and […]
Single- and multi-purpose devices (iPod & Mac Mini)
The iPod was originally designed as a single-purpose device, and all the signs suggest that Apple wants to keep it that way for now. However, it’s popularity has inspired an industry of accessories — as BusinessWeek puts it, “a rising iPod lifts all boats” — and a sub-culture of adaptations or hacks. Some concentrate on […]
Art applications of ubiquitous computing
The combination of wireless communications and miniaturisation of devices, from mobile phones to RFID tags, opens up a rich seam of new technology applications that do not depend so exclusively on screens for interaction with people. In some cases the user interface can be embedded in physical objects that are aware of their location in […]
The records to beat
Later today it’s a pretty safe bet that the thousandth No.1 hit single will be announced in the UK Singles Chart, and Elvis Presley is odds-on to get it. Elvis also had the 999th No.1 in last week’s charts, which set some interesting records, according to Music Week. Firstly, it was the oldest recording ever […]
Public Service Broadband content
Here are my notes from yesterday’s Public Service Broadcasting: Beyond Television event organised by the Broadband Stakeholder Group. I’ve decided to present the notes I took on my palmtop fairly unprocessed, since (a) most of the sessions were panel discussions, which it is hard to condense, (b) I don’t think there are any clear or […]
January digital networking meeting
The next in the series of London networking meetings that I organise is on Wednesday 26th January (see the details of the first meeting for background). It’s at The Gate in Farringdon (map) and starts at 6.30. It’s free, and open to all. Participants come from the new media, television, film, music, press/publishing, radio or […]
Musical youth and middle-age spread
Is the cultural role of pop music maturing, or is it stuck in perpetual puberty? Has it usurped and squandered the ‘shop window’ profile that used to be reserved for more deserving artforms? Or is it just that, as it has moved into mainstream acceptance, it has lost its bite, its ability to express difference […]
‘CMALT’ Accreditation for e-learning professionals
The fruits of the project I worked on last year on accrediting e-learning practitioners are starting to see the light of day. If you go now to the home page of the Association for Learning Technology you can sign up to receive occasional progress reports, as well as downloading this background to the planned scheme […]
Bill makes it chic to be a communist again
I’m a bit behind the breaking news here, but this Wired News article brought me up to speed on how Bill Gates has branded those who propose reforms to intellectual property regulation, to adapt them to the Internet age, as “modern-day sort of communists”. He further asserts that these people “want to get rid of […]