More reviews of cultural ‘companions’

Here are some notes that form another instalment in my occasional series of postings about commentaries and ‘making of’ features that aim to help people get more out of cultural works (albums, films, books and so on). Previous postings in this series include literary companions for Thomas Pynchon; DVD commentaries on films; a preliminary taxonomy […]

Eno vs. Blair; Art vs. politics

This month’s issue of Prospect Magazine has the story that Brian Eno is organising a campaign that targets Tony Blair personally. At the next election Eno plans to “run a ‘white suit’, you-lied-to-the-people, Martin Bell-style candidate against Blair in his own Sedgefield constituency”. Prospect suggests his chances of success are not completely negligible. This would […]

Blogging Forced Entertainment’s new show

Over the last the last three weeks, Tim Etchells, creative director of Forced Entertainment has been writing a blog of the company’s rehearsals for its next show. His entry for 1 February sets the scene for the weeks of the collective improvisation from which they create their performances: Rehearsal room activities:TalkingSmokingDrinking coffeeGetting coffeeWandering the studio, […]

Twelve thousand people are buried here

Until this week there was a playground here. You may be able just to make out the yellow seats of a see-saw, slightly to the left of the centre of the picture. But on Monday the sounds of innocent play mingled with the incipient bullying of older children were replaced by buzz saws and diggers. […]