I like this. In the new beta version of Last.fm, you can now share different playlists with others via an embedded Flash player, like this: That playlist is my ‘loved tracks’ on Last.fm, but you can also hear all the artists and tracks I’ve tagged as ‘french’ or those any of my other most frequently […]
Month: January 2007
Of wise and foolish crowds
Kathy Sierra of Creating Passionate Users has written a clear and pithy piece that captures something of the circumstances when crowds are wise and when they’re not. I’ve extracted a couple of her comparisons and put them in table form: Collective intelligence Dumbness of Crowds A pile of people writing Amazon book reviews A pile […]
BBC Music web resources updated and integrated
It’s been a long time (2.5 years) since I wrote much about the BBC’s online music resources. Though I still use these resources fairly frequently, I don’t always do so particularly attentively (if you know what I mean), so I don’t know if the changes I noticed today are very recent or months old. Previously […]
Personalised learning
My frequent associate (and all-round good egg) Seb Schmoller has been polling views of e-learning practitioners on ‘personalised learning’, including what the term conjures up for you. He asked me for my thoughts. I wasn’t sure I had any, but I find that, if I imagine myself in the role of a jaded old cynic […]