Here are some extended notes and links on digital cinema (aka D-cinema, aka E-cinema). I’m not an expert in this field, but I dip into it occasionally, and what follows is principally an exercise for my own benefit in collecting my notes and thoughts — if anyone else finds this of interest, so much the […]
Month: January 2004
Brains, culture, then what?
I’m interested in long-term thinking, seriously long term (see this posting and this one). So one passage in Stephen Oppenheimer’s October 2003 article in Prospect captured my attention and triggered a further question. Oppenheimer suggests that cultural evolution has outstripped genetic evolution for last 300,000 years. Our species develops by accumulating and transmitting knowledge down […]
Classifications for tutor support in e-learning
The different pieces of work I’ve done on supporting learners in e-learning over the last year have required different classifications of the tasks and activities involved. Partly the differences are down to the context of learning, and partly they’re down to the purpose of the classification. I’m not aware of much research that analyses tutors’ […]
Intermission for genre compliance
This is a ‘blog‘ site, right? At least, it runs on software designed to support blogs. And that brings with it certain ‘genre’ expectations. Like: you’re supposed to provide links to off-the-wall sites that you’re friends haven’t found yet, and make comments on them that walk a thin line between ephemera and profundity. Unfortunately this […]
Are long periods of copyright ownership ever justified?
I’m just back from the RSA’s Music and Technology conference. I found the arguments for shortening, or at least halting the lengthening, of periods of copyright ownership quite persuasive. When it was invented copyright, apparently, lasted for 14 years before lapsing or being renewed. Now it lasts, willy nilly, until 70 years after the originator’s […]
Web resources for Theo Angelopoulos films
I’ve added some more web links to the he Showroom Cinema’s web links directory. The BFI tour of Theo Angelopoulos films hits the Showroom with six films at the end of this month and during February. Here are the new links, and here are some more sublime images.
Music industry not in crisis?
Courtesy of 6 music news comes the news that “Album sales in the UK reached a record high in 2003, fuelled by falling CD prices” and, even more encouragingly, “2003 was also a record year for live music, with more money spent on gigs than at any time since records began in 1914.” Admittedly the […]
Workshops on e-learning accreditation scheme
As part of the accreditation scheme project mentioned previously, David Kay and I are running a couple of workshops to consult private sector e-learning employers on the features they’d like to see in the scheme we devise. The workshops will be held on two of the following dates, according to availability of participants: 19 January […]
Robert Fripp on ethical and creative businesses
In his diary entry for New Year’s Eve, Robert Fripp muses on ethical business practice. In this case he goes on to reflect on what he sees as the unethical behaviour of his previous record company (EG). I’m sure RF has a rationale for not making the full archive of his diaries available (the above […]
Learning Activity Management Systems
Responding to my posting on the E-learning market, James Dalziel from Macquarie University’s E-learning Centre of Excellence has contacted me to let me know of two resources related to Learning Activity Management Systems. There’s a four page article by James and a Powerpoint screenshot walkthrough.