Having taken a few soundings — and please complete our short Agile Learning survey if you haven’t already, as we’re keen to get a broader input — the first meetups are under way in London. In fact, this isn’t so much a new activity, as an evolution and gentle morphing of an existing one. More […]
Round-up of talk and interviews
In a brisk (?!) follow-up to my last blog entry, I did a talk to teenagers from three Sheffield schools on the subject “Big Brother is Logging You”, sharing the platform with Dave Pattern, Library Systems Manager at University of Huddersfield, who also featured in the TILE libraries event. This was part of the Sheffield […]
Against Method in Innovation
I’ve signed up for NESTA’s Innovation Edge conference in a few weeks. Though I’m looking forward to what promises to be a stimulating day, I’m kind of surprised that the abstract concept of innovation remains so popular with policy makers and agencies. Using innovation as a catch-all term to cover a wide range of changes […]
On networking events: broadcasting information or building relationships?
Networking events are everywhere and all the time these days. Especially in metropolitan centres like London. They come in all shapes and sizes, too. Yesterday I attended two, almost back to back, which showed very different expectations and architectures — if that’s not too pompous a word — for what makes good networking, and how […]
A clutch of future-gazing events to plug
First is the b.TWEEN 06 forum of future entertainment, coming at the end of this week (25 and 26 May) in Bradford. The programme covers pioneering cross-platform work that straddles art and commerce. Sadly I can’t make it this year, but I enjoed the 02002 event, and aim to be there next year. I will […]
blog.ac.uk: educational use of weblogs
On 2 June I’ll be participating in the blog.ac.uk one-day conference on educational use of weblogs and weblogging software. It’s in London at Living Space, and is free to attend. There’s an embryonic web site for the event, which will develop over the next six weeks. My involvement comes through a connection with Josie Fraser, […]
Audio Branding Event, 23 February
In a couple of weeks I’m chairing an event called Sounds Subliminal: Branding the future with audio in London. The event is about the pros and cons of using sound as part of brand identity. There’s an impressive range of speakers, including Dan Jackson of Sonicbrand, who literally wrote the book on sonic branding, and […]
Great gigs in London for a tenner or less
This is normally a quiet time of year for gigs in London (as for on-topic blog posts) but one of the highlights of the first week in January is the Winter Sprinter series of gigs organised by Track and Field at the Water Rats Theatre (which claims to be the venue of Bob Dylan’s first […]
Theatre of Voices UK tour performing Stockhausen
I was just clearing out my email in-box and found an unsolicited request to plug a tour on this site. Normally such messages would be deleted straight away, but I must have noticed the polite tone and decided to stay its execution until the next clear-out. Then, on re-reading it, and in the spirit of […]
No Music Day
I found out rather late in the day (via the Soundscape UK email list) that today is No Music Day. This idea began with Bill Drummond, who apparently chose 21 November as it is the eve of St Cecilia’s Day — St Cecilia being the patron saint of music. The idea of No Music Day […]