The informal network Cass Creatives is hosting a second event on the future of filmmaking on 30th November at City University (London, less than 200m from where I’m writing!). The last time they covered this topic the presentations and discussion were fascinating — see the official report and mine. The event is free. Here are […]
Werner Herzog film season and conference
Coming up in London this September is a season of all Werner Herzog’s feature films, around a third of his documentaries, plus the two Les Blank documentaries about Herzog. The latter form part of a weekend conference on Herzog’s work, which also includes the UK premiere of the director’s most recent film The Wild Blue […]
Slow walk for longplayer on summer solstice
I’ve written a few posts recently (1, 2) related to the Longplayer 1000-year-long piece of music, and here’s one more, including a request for your credit card contribution. On 21 June, Ohad Fishof will be doing a fundraising slow walk across London Bridge and back, a total distance of 563.8m. For a contribution of £5 […]
Time and Timelessness: Laurie Anderson, Doris Lessing, Jem Finer
Alongside her performances at the Barbican next month, Laurie Anderson is participating in a public conversation with Doris Lessing on the theme of Time and Timelessness (26 May, at the Royal Institution). The blurb for the event proffers: Since the year 2000, the lighthouse on Trinity Buoy Wharf in London’s Docklands has been home to […]
Art applications of ubiquitous computing
The combination of wireless communications and miniaturisation of devices, from mobile phones to RFID tags, opens up a rich seam of new technology applications that do not depend so exclusively on screens for interaction with people. In some cases the user interface can be embedded in physical objects that are aware of their location in […]
January digital networking meeting
The next in the series of London networking meetings that I organise is on Wednesday 26th January (see the details of the first meeting for background). It’s at The Gate in Farringdon (map) and starts at 6.30. It’s free, and open to all. Participants come from the new media, television, film, music, press/publishing, radio or […]
Seminar on ‘Supporting e-learners’, 20 Jan 02005
I’ll be giving a presentation at this E.learning age seminar in Hammersmith, along with me old mucker (translation for non-UK readers) Seb Schmoller. We’ll be giving a practical run-through of British Standard BS 8426 A code of practice for e-support in e-learning systems, which we drafted, and suggesting ways to implement it. Other speakers include […]
Christian Marclay at Tate Modern
Here are a couple of grainy longshots taken with my so-last-year’s-model camera phone at last night’s Christian Marclay gig at the Tate Modern. The gig was tied into Marclay’s Sounds of Christmas project, which is showing at the Tate until Christmas. Marclay is another example of an artist who presents his collections as art: in […]
Roundtable discussion: Beyond the digital download
Tomorrow afternoon I’m taking part in a roundtable discussion on how consumer behaviours may change as music radio, music TV, digital downloading and music retail overlap more and more. I’m one of the panel members along with Andrew Harrison (Associate Editor of Word), John Strickland (CEO of Tunetribe), Simon Hopkins (Head of BBC Music Online), […]
Digital media networking meeting in London
It’s short notice, but if you’re in London tomorrow evening, and fancy meeting a group of 15-20 professionals in the new media, television, film, music, press/publishing, radio and advertising sectors — very informal over a drink or two — then please come along to this event that I’ve organised. It’s at The Gate in Farringdon […]