Is it just me or are all the bubbles in the podcasting lather turning into a thin layer of slightly manky detergent on the surface of internet pond life? There was a spell last year, after iTunes first included podcast subscriptions, where the response to everything seemed to be “The solution is to start podcasting […]
E-learning podcasts and the wonders of transcripts
E-learning figurehead Elliott Masie is offering a wide range of podcasts in connection with the current Learning 2005 conference in Florida. In keeping with the reflexive tradition of the medium, this includes a podcast about podcasting… The implementation of the podcasts is as professional as you’d expect: there’s an option to play the audio with […]
Recording online radio vs. podcasts
In the last year or two, the concept of martini media — ‘anytime, anyplace, anywhere’ access to whatever audio and video you feel like — has shifted from being a vision of a possible future to being an almost taken-for-granted inevitability. The speed with which it comes about will be slowed by the friction of […]
Record labels make their own documentaries
Bob Dylan album sales have registered a tenfold increase in the wake of the Dylan documentary produced by PBS and the BBC. With windfalls like that, it’s not surprising that major and independent record labels are getting into the business of making their own documentaries and features. Mute is among the early UK labels starting […]
iTunes an unreliable gatekeeper for podcasts?
When the latest version of iTunes, with new functionality to hear podcasts, was launched at the end of June, an Apple spokesman was quoted saying “We’ve tried to include as many [podcasts] as possible” in the iTunes directory, and, “We’re not trying to be the gatekeeper of podcasting”. But by having and policing a directory […]
BBC 6 Music podcasts and learning
It’s almost exactly a year since I posted my review of BBC 6 Music as a learning resource on this site, and nearly eight months since I commented on the disappearance of some of the web resources from the 6 Music web site. Now 6 Music has begun a weekly podcast of speech highlights from […]
Creating legal independent music podcasts
The use of music in podcasts is a legal grey area, but there are an increasing number of tools and services that make it easier to source music legally, usually from ‘unsigned’ artists, creating a genuinely grassroots channel for independent music and musicians. The reason for the doubts over the legal status of music podcasting […]
Bootstrap Network/interview with me
I met Graham Stewart a few months ago in connection with some online social networking developments. Graham’s very active in building, and experimenting with, social software. His latest endeavour (with Neil McEvoy) is the Bootstrap Network, a “self-organising community of Internet entrepreneurs seeking to collaborate and create new business ventures”. (For geeks, the Bootstrap Network, […]
Downloading from the radio
Last week’s MusicWeek had a article about UBC Media preparing to offer listeners to some of its digital (DAB) radio stations the opportunity to download the songs they broadcast. I can’t find the exact story on the web, but here’s a feature on similar developments in radio, which details the lower data bandwidth available with […]
Where broadcasting blurs into downloading
The coverage of this press release on the positive response to the BBC’s podcasting experiment — see my November posting mentioning the experiment — shows that podcasting is still making the ‘novelty’ news, but some continue to confuse its implications. This Digital-Lifestyles feature concludes, “The impact of this form of distribution will be significant. The […]