Mind Your Head festival, South Bank

This festival of six concerts has the more revealing strap-line of Exploring New Meanings in Sacred Music.
Most interesting to me are the shows by Carter Tutti and Current 93 on 9th October, and by Acid Mothers Gong and Damo Suzuki on 21 October.
Carter and Tutti were members of the soon-to-reform Throbbing Gristle, while Damo Suzuki was the much-feted singer in Can during their 1970s krautrock heyday.

2 thoughts on “Mind Your Head festival, South Bank

  1. On the October 15th date, Marianne Nowottny will be making her UK debut. She will be supporting The Danielson Famile. This will also be very interesting to see.

  2. Thanks for letting me know. I downloaded a song from Marianne’s web site, and it’s quite intriguing. With my interest piqued, I also did a search on Danielson Famile — of whom I was equally unaware previously — and found this review. Hmmm. An unusual evening in store, and no mistake! Sadly I’m already booked to be elsewhere on 15th October.

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