Learning Activity Management Systems

Responding to my posting on the E-learning market, James Dalziel from Macquarie University’s E-learning Centre of Excellence has contacted me to let me know of two resources related to Learning Activity Management Systems.
There’s a four page article by James and a Powerpoint screenshot walkthrough.

I’m sure it is valuable to have another set of tools with which to experiment, though beware of expecting ‘silver bullet’ solutions. The paper implies that learning activities can be sequenced, mixed and matched, in a similar way to what is claimed for learning objects. Again, I’d say beware of taking an atomistic approach that assumes any entity can be swapped in or out of a learning experience without reviewing the implications for the whole experience (this is also touched on in another of my recent postings). Obviously, when it comes to activities, it’s important to consider the syntax or grammar of any sequence of activities: some of them require particular kinds of activities before or after, just like some verbs need objects.

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