Several months ago, on the back of my review of Joe Boyd’s book, I was contacted by singer-songwriter Mark Abis, of whom (Mark explained) Boyd had said, “[He] got my attention. His melodies are original, his voice warm and distinctive, a real musical sensibility is obvious, with literate lyrics to boot. My vote for one […]
Playlist services: Mixlister review and FIQL re-vamp
A couple of updates about playlist services. Cloudbrain contacted me last month to let me know about about Mixlister, their new playlist sharing service. This comes at a time when GoFish has withdrawn from playlist services, FIQL and MyStrands are enhancing their offerings, and some others (e.g. Upto11) appear to have remained unchanged for the […]
Review of The Long Tail by Chris Anderson
It’s a measure of a term achieving zeitgeist status when people apply it liberally, even in circumstances where it doesn’t really fit — as with the managers who sought to label their initiatives as Total Quality Management or Business Process Re-engineering in the nineties, even if they only half-grasped the original intention behind these terms. […]
Update on playlist services
In preparing the White Bicycles playlist yesterday, I revisited a subset of the playlist services that I reviewed last year and in January. Here are some notes on what’s changed, plus some notes on different contexts for searching for tracks.
Review of White Bicycles by Joe Boyd
In the April issue of Prospect, Philip Oltermann observes a trend he calls the network biography, focusing more on artists’ social networking to gain influence, and less on individual talent and its fruits. Along with this, “anecdotes have become more than mere padding”, he claims, and have moved to centre stage in biographical accounts. Joe […]
Publishing your perspective and expertise with Squidoo
Here’s another Web-2.0-style tool for aggregating information and links. It’s the idea of Seth Godin, who has made his name from a series of books on innovative approaches to marketing in the age of the web. He sees this service, called Squidoo as a means for others to make their names in their areas of […]
MusicStrands: playlist sharing and music discovery
Last week MusicStrands launched a major upgrade that extends its scope by adding new ways to tag, discuss, and discover music — see the overview of the new features. This is moving in the direction of the MySpace music community — technically I think it’s a step ahead of MySpace, but clearly lacks the latter’s […]
Recording the Lea Valley: sound and vision
The new film by Saint Etienne and Paul Kelly, What Have You Done Today, Mervyn Day?, is billed as an homage to the Lea Valley. Seeing it led me first to dig out Peter Cusack’s 02000 album The Horse was Alive, The Cow was Dead — which is an audio document of the same area […]
Last word (for now) on playlist sharing
Having initially reviewed four playlist sharing services, three providers of further services have let me know of what they’re doing in this area. I’ve already posted addenda on FIQL and Mixmatcher. Here are some comments on the GoFish playlist service, and a consolidated comparison table.
Mixmatcher playlist sharing service
After my original review of playlist sharing services, and FIQL addendum, I’ve been contacted again, this time from Ben of Mixmatcher. So here’s a quick canter through a review, based on my experience of setting up the same-old, same-old playlist using Mixmatcher.