Agile Learning meetups in London

Having taken a few soundings — and please complete our short Agile Learning survey if you haven’t already, as we’re keen to get a broader input — the first meetups are under way in London. In fact, this isn’t so much a new activity, as an evolution and gentle morphing of an existing one. More […]

Elaborating on Agile Learning

This is one of a series of interviews I’m doing on the theme of Agile Learning. See also interviews on agile learning and agile technology, hands-on alternatives to factory learning, learner-generated contexts, home schooling, social, self-organised learning in the enterprises and creating the School of Everything. I resist requests to pin down Agile Learning with […]

David Gauntlett on “making is connecting” and the end of factory learning

This is one of a series of interviews I’m doing on the theme of Agile Learning. See also interviews on agile learning and agile technology, learner-generated contexts, home schooling, social, self-organised learning in the enterprises and creating the School of Everything. The second in the series of Agile Learning interviews is with David Gauntlett, Professor […]

Dick Moore on Agile Learning, Agile Software Development and the Mobile Internet

This is one of a series of interviews I’m doing on the theme of Agile Learning. See also interviews on hands-on alternatives to factory learning, learner-generated contexts, home schooling, social, self-organised learning in the enterprises and creating the School of Everything. Dick Moore was, until a week or two ago, Director of Technology at Ufi/learndirect […]

Agile Learning: better results for less money

Create, adapt, remix your learning to meet your needs — and pay much less That’s the current tagline for an initiative we’re soft launching, with the aim of bringing together people (you?) curious about self-organised learning in commerce, community and education. How can you design and create your own learning experiences — or help your […]