This is one of a series of interviews I’m doing on the theme of Agile Learning. See also interviews on agile learning and agile technology, hands-on alternatives to factory learning, learner-generated contexts, home schooling, social, self-organised learning in the enterprises and resilience and scaling down. Dougald Hine is of the co-founders of the School of […]
Home rules: Annie Weekes on how and why home education works
This is one of a series of interviews I’m doing on the theme of Agile Learning. See also interviews on agile learning and agile technology, hands-on alternatives to factory learning, learner-generated contexts, social, self-organised learning in the enterprises and creating the School of Everything. When I first wrote about what I’m now calling Agile Learning, […]
Agile Learning meetups in London
Having taken a few soundings — and please complete our short Agile Learning survey if you haven’t already, as we’re keen to get a broader input — the first meetups are under way in London. In fact, this isn’t so much a new activity, as an evolution and gentle morphing of an existing one. More […]
Agile Learning is what you do when you have to ‘make do’
We’ve known for decades that we need to keep learning throughout our careers. See the lifelong learning movement, for example. But either creating or doing a course is too big an overhead for many learning needs. Since the web arrived, we’ve grown to use it as a just-in-time performance support system. As Dick Moore put […]
Fred Garnett on how to create new contexts for your own learning
This is one of a series of interviews I’m doing on the theme of Agile Learning. See also interviews on agile learning and agile technology, hands-on alternatives to factory learning, home schooling, social, self-organised learning in the enterprises and creating the School of Everything. I kept coming across Fred Garnett’s name so often in my […]
Elaborating on Agile Learning
This is one of a series of interviews I’m doing on the theme of Agile Learning. See also interviews on agile learning and agile technology, hands-on alternatives to factory learning, learner-generated contexts, home schooling, social, self-organised learning in the enterprises and creating the School of Everything. I resist requests to pin down Agile Learning with […]
David Gauntlett on “making is connecting” and the end of factory learning
This is one of a series of interviews I’m doing on the theme of Agile Learning. See also interviews on agile learning and agile technology, learner-generated contexts, home schooling, social, self-organised learning in the enterprises and creating the School of Everything. The second in the series of Agile Learning interviews is with David Gauntlett, Professor […]
Dick Moore on Agile Learning, Agile Software Development and the Mobile Internet
This is one of a series of interviews I’m doing on the theme of Agile Learning. See also interviews on hands-on alternatives to factory learning, learner-generated contexts, home schooling, social, self-organised learning in the enterprises and creating the School of Everything. Dick Moore was, until a week or two ago, Director of Technology at Ufi/learndirect […]
Agile Learning: better results for less money
Create, adapt, remix your learning to meet your needs — and pay much less That’s the current tagline for an initiative we’re soft launching, with the aim of bringing together people (you?) curious about self-organised learning in commerce, community and education. How can you design and create your own learning experiences — or help your […]
Progressive austerity and self-organised learning
A month or so ago, my friend Guy, whose children are educated at home, treated me to one his occasional rants. “People know there’s an Arms Lobby,” he said, “so they’re very wary about calls for more spending on Defence and question whose interests these serve. But there’s an Education Lobby too, and it always […]