BBC interactive Media Player: news & review

There are contradictory reports about the BBC’s interactive Media Player (iMP), which would significantly extend the scope of on-demand listening and digital storage of broadcast media. Last Tuesday Netimperative quoted a BBC spokesperson saying the iMP remains an “aspirational service”, with “no concrete plans for a roll-out” of the trial service to the general public. […]

BBC 6 Music as a learning resource

Born in the digital era, BBC 6 Music is a radio station at the intersection of traditional ‘wireless’ programming and less linear, on-demand access to audio and supporting material. It’s in the vanguard of mixed (old and new) media and the BBC governors apparently want it to go further and “heighten the level of interactivity, […]

BBC 6 Music and usability of archives

The campaign to lobby for the BBC Creative Archive is principally concerned with the form in which the archive material is made available, and specifically whether this is ‘open’ enough to allow (re)use for non-commercial purposes. My lobby is also to consider how the ‘user interface’ to this massive archive is made usable enough to […]

Friends of the BBC Creative Archive

As the BBC announces a “radical manifesto” for its future, heavy on digital Britain and “public value”, I’ve come across a campaign for the BBC Creative Archive. So far the main action has been an open letter, urging that the archive should be: broad, accessible, free (for non-commercial use), whole (i.e. not just excerpts of […]

BBC Creative Archive and ‘Martini Media’

There are several interesting points in this speech by the BBC’s Director of New Media & Technology. The points that caught my attention were: the first use I have seen of the term ‘Martini Media’ — anytime, anyplace, anywhere — to denote a concept I have elsewhere referred to as ubiquitous access; some pointers to […]