If anyone reading this has experience of running two blogs that overlap in their coverage, I’d be interested in your advice on the following issue.
Much of what I write on this blog is a by-product of my work and the wider interests that surround it. At the moment my work is almost exclusively on my book, and I’ve created a dedicated blog for that. (I’m also trying to be focused, and to avoid spending too much time on by-products!)
Should I duplicate new articles by posting them both here and on the book blog? I did that once, but it’s not ideal. Comments posted on one version are not shown on the other. I could ‘close’ comments for one of the versions and direct readers to the other version to make comments — but I wonder if you might find that over-complex and irritating? Let me know if you have views, or advice, one way or the other.
In the meantime, in the last fortnight I’ve added to my Net, Blogs and Rock’n’Roll blog an interview about discovering classical music via a dedicated broadband TV channel and an assessment of MusicStrands’ new tool for recommending music tracks and artists based on film titles. If you normally read this blog with an RSS newsreader, I recommend also subscribing to the RSS feed for the book blog.