The campaign to lobby for the BBC Creative Archive is principally concerned with the form in which the archive material is made available, and specifically whether this is ‘open’ enough to allow (re)use for non-commercial purposes. My lobby is also to consider how the ‘user interface’ to this massive archive is made usable enough to […]
Month: July 2004
Online tutor workload and poor research publishing
The paper Faculty self-study research project: examining the online workload ought to tell us more about the pressures on online tutors than it does. The gist is that, based on six university staff keeping records of their online teaching time, they found that the total time taken was marginally less than the offline equivalent, but […]
Review of David Toop’s Haunted Weather
I read much of Haunted Weather on holiday, on an apartment balcony overlooking the kind of Costa del Sol villa-sprawl that provided the setting for J G Ballard’s Cocaine Nights. It’s possible to read Haunted Weather through Ballardian spectacles: the latter’s coining of phrases like “the marriage of Freud and Euclid” and “a Krafft-Ebing of […]