Why do resources become more reference-worthy when other people refer to them? I suppose it’s another of those success-breeds-success network effects. So it’s only now that Stephen Downes has seen fit to comment on it, that I get round to referencing a document that Seb Schmoller compiled of contributions from me and other e-learning professionals.
Back in September, Seb asked seven of us for 50-100 words in answer/reaction/response to the question, “Embedding the skills to teach online – is it technical or personality (sic) skills that are needed?” Ever the contrary one, the bulk of my response was graphical. You can download the four-page PDF file with the collated responses via the link to Stephen Downes’ comment above or via this page (under the title “Paper about online tutoring skills used by Seb Schmoller at South West of England e-Learning Conference”).
i like to be a dj