We’ve known for decades that we need to keep learning throughout our careers. See the lifelong learning movement, for example. But either creating or doing a course is too big an overhead for many learning needs. Since the web arrived, we’ve grown to use it as a just-in-time performance support system. As Dick Moore put […]
Author: David Jennings
Fred Garnett on how to create new contexts for your own learning
This is one of a series of interviews I’m doing on the theme of Agile Learning. See also interviews on agile learning and agile technology, hands-on alternatives to factory learning, home schooling, social, self-organised learning in the enterprises and creating the School of Everything. I kept coming across Fred Garnett’s name so often in my […]
Elaborating on Agile Learning
This is one of a series of interviews I’m doing on the theme of Agile Learning. See also interviews on agile learning and agile technology, hands-on alternatives to factory learning, learner-generated contexts, home schooling, social, self-organised learning in the enterprises and creating the School of Everything. I resist requests to pin down Agile Learning with […]
David Gauntlett on “making is connecting” and the end of factory learning
This is one of a series of interviews I’m doing on the theme of Agile Learning. See also interviews on agile learning and agile technology, learner-generated contexts, home schooling, social, self-organised learning in the enterprises and creating the School of Everything. The second in the series of Agile Learning interviews is with David Gauntlett, Professor […]
Dick Moore on Agile Learning, Agile Software Development and the Mobile Internet
This is one of a series of interviews I’m doing on the theme of Agile Learning. See also interviews on hands-on alternatives to factory learning, learner-generated contexts, home schooling, social, self-organised learning in the enterprises and creating the School of Everything. Dick Moore was, until a week or two ago, Director of Technology at Ufi/learndirect […]
Agile Learning: better results for less money
Create, adapt, remix your learning to meet your needs — and pay much less That’s the current tagline for an initiative we’re soft launching, with the aim of bringing together people (you?) curious about self-organised learning in commerce, community and education. How can you design and create your own learning experiences — or help your […]
University of Death by Sean McManus: A Review
There’s a pivotal scene in University of Death where the muso-technology geek at the heart of the story struggles to persuade the venal record industry boss to buy-in to a groundbreaking new scheme that will change the industry forever. To accomplish this, the geek plays the boss a new composition, which has been engineered to […]
Counterculture, Cyberculture and Innovation: the strange case of Stewart Brand
A couple of years ago, at the end of this post on the crossover between Web 2.0 and anarchism, I wrote that I’d started reading Fred Turner’s From Counterculture to Cyberculture: Stewart Brand, the Whole Earth Network and the Rise of Digital Utopianism, and suggested I might be blogging about some of the ideas in […]
More on self-organised learning
Here’s the next instalment in a ‘slow conversation’ with Seb Schmoller, which kicked off with my post Progressive austerity and self-organised learning, followed by a response from Seb. I think it’s fair to say Seb is more cautious than me so far. He splashes a little cold water on my enthusiasm for things “lightweight” — […]
Reflections on Longplayer Live
I wasn’t going to blog about today’s first live performance of Longplayer, since I go on about Longplayer fairly regularly already. But Christian Payne recorded an Audioboo interview with me, and the combination of vanity with minimal effort created a path of very low resistance, so here we are. I refer a couple of times […]